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CALL TO ORDER Pat Donahue, Chairperson, opened the regular meeting Wednesday, April 16th, 2014, 6:05 p.m. Minutes of Previous Meeting Approval of the March meeting minutes will take place during the May meeting. Directors Report: ** A massive building cleanup is underway. ** A review of all current program policies is underway and everyone will be required to follow policies once they are finalized. We and/or the mayors office get complaints from seniors when policies are not followed. In the past month have dealt nonstop with: A waiver basically says the city is not liable. Seniors complaining about the two bag rule for shopping. Mission and Vision review is underway with staff and will be presented to the COA Board. The mission statement talks about what we do and who we are. People need to connect with these statements very quickly and they need to know exactly who we are as an organization. Our goals have to derive from the Mayors goals, goals from the city. Once the statements are in place this will allow us to much better focused, much better directed, and much better foundation in terms of the work that we are doing. The staff has been asked to develop goals for their work during the course of the year. The goals are about growth. We are going to be developing a branding strategy for the Senior Center (SC). Our records indicate we served between 1852 to 1927 individuals between July 1st, 2012, to June 30th, 2013. The highest age category served are those between 65 and 69 years of age or about 17.5% of the number of people served (337 people). The second highest population is people over 85 which is 17.2 % of the number of people served. We serve different generations with vastly different needs. For many people, once they reach 85 their physical needs require different programming. Last year about 3% of the population who passed away while 24% of the population are disabled. 90.3% of the population is Caucasian. We have a growing ethnic community, a group of Latinos and Philippinos participating. Women make up the largest cohort and we are looking into starting a softball league which might attract more men. A bowling league was suggested, Wii Bowling, ballroom dancing, sports talks (bring in the guy from Salem news that covers sports), fishing bring in the Wicked Tuna fishermen, and talked and just chatted about sports with the guys. Beverly might be interested in sharing some of the things like a softball league OLD BUSINESS: Work has started on the new site. NEW BUSINESS: The following members of the Friend to the Council of Aging were present: Pat Liberti, Vice Chair. Denis Coleman has all the ideas from all his years at Peabody Friend to the Council on Aging. Frank Ryan is the Secretary. Joan Sweeney a long time member. Members of the Friends, Salem Council on Aging discussed their current status. They cannot conduct any fundraising until they receive their 501 c 3 tax exemption. Nearly every COA in the state has an established FCOA. Dennis Coleman indicated that when he was Director of the Peabody COA, he maintained a very close relationship with the FCOA although it may not have been legal. The FCOA funds are intended to supplement COA program needs. The FCOA are currently nonexistent in the eyes of the IRS. D Coleman - According to D. Coleman, the Board in Peabody is very supportive of the Friends. Salem has a history of being afraid of a conflict of interest. The Salem COA board can not raise funds. I try to emphasize the purpose of the Friends board is to raise fund for the COA. FCOA policies state that any request for funds to the Friends board would come through the COA board or Rosalia which avoids other organizations or other entities seeking funds from us for their programs. Our sole purpose of the Friends is to raise and support programs that you operate. The Friends dont do policy that is the job of the COA to create policies and programs. The Friends job is to support the COA on doing it. This is a new beginning so the COA and the Friends can work hand in hand together. So you know what were doing and what we are trying to do. Hopefully well get this tax issue straightened out in the foreseeable future. It been a blow to us as a fundraising organization to be in this situation where we can not raise funds. That is why we are here. I think we need to be very clear on the policies. As Director of the COA I say to Rosalia I never missed a Friends meeting in twenty five years as President of the Friends my purpose there was to encourage and to continue to raise funds. That is were I got the money to do the extra thing I needed to do. Now they added on more programs and more space. The fact the Friends had raised that money. If you have any questions, I just want to explain why we are an organization and there would be an organization without the COA. There would be no need for us. We have to look to you for the direction of the senior center and the community life center and to support you in your programs. Thank you. COA members agree that the partnership with FCOA is important and expressed appreciation for the funds that have been provided. Rosala explained that as a City department, there may be limits to how we can support the FCOA. DC: There are a lot of senior center participants involved in the growth of the fundraising. We look for volunteers to do the mail out thirty or forty seniors to stuff envelopes. This is where the cooperation is sometime needed with the Council on Aging staff and the Friends. RV: We can have those discussions at some other time. That is were some issues maybe. We just might not be able to do that. Well see. LCf: Is Beth Bernard weighing in on this? RS: I have not heard on this. I will find an answer to it and get back to you. PD: When Doug Bollen was the Director, the Friend were always very generous and provided what was asked for. The COA Board definitely supports the Friends and we will always have someone present from the COA board at each meeting to keep you updated if we have something really going on. And, if somebody personally wants to volunteer with you that is appropriate. PL: The FCOA met with the Mayor about a month ago regarding the tax exempt status. She had Beth Bernard look at it. Meanwhile we were getting all the tax papers and having an outside lawyer review it. They told the treasurer that we cant even disburse funds. So, we need a tax lawyer look at that so that we can know what we can and cannot do. We are trying to expedite in getting the tax exempt status back. Frank has been dealing with the IRS. PD: Would it have been easier to disband and regroup and apply for another tax exempt number. FR: No, There are tens of thousands of applications of new companies and companies like the Friends looking for a reinstatement. The trick is to dislodge our application from the others. The IRS has ten thousand fewer employees then they had four years ago. We need to get the attention of the right people. PL: What got into this situation was the people that reactivated the Friends did not file taxes. So we had to go back and file back ten years ago. We did all that meanwhile they cancelled our tax exempt status. DC: When I started in Peabody Renee Louise was the Director of Salem. She started Friends back then with proposition 2 but then it went dormant. PL: And, there was still money, no one was filing taxes the money was in the bank. That mess has been cleaned up. LCf : Have you gone to John Tierney? PL: Yes, weve gone to John Tierney. We met with one of his aids. DC: The Mayor is involved. PD: I would go back. FR: Has there ever been any consideration given to changing the name of the month news letter from Senior Power to something less belligerent? V: Yes, That will be part of the branding process and we might not even have the wording senior in the title. Come in and talk with me about it. AB: The news letter doesnt even have the Salem seal on it. It is coming from the city. FR: We have talked about a website for The Friends. Does the council of aging have a website? RV: Yes, we have a website threw the city which will also be going threw some changes. FR: In Peabody we combine The Friends and the COA website. RV: We might not be able to do that. FR: The Friends are a support mechanism for the COA. RV: There are some things that we will not be able to do as part of the city government. Im looking into it. Thank you we appreciate it. PD: Thank you. Next board meeting Next board meeting scheduled for Wednesday, May 21st, 2014 at time 6:00pm. Vote to Adjournment: A motion was made (LCF) and seconded (EH) to adjourn the meeting. Motion was unanimously approved. 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